Biologics Program 研究

What kinds of research does a biologics program do?

A biologics program can be understood as a type of translational research program -- that is to say that research and clinical experience go hand in hand. There are two focuses of translational research, both of which are employed here at 金宝搏手机登录.

  1. The application of discoveries made in the laboratory to the development of clinical trials and studies in humans.
  2. The adoption of the best possible treatment based on such trials and studies.

By engaging in laboratory research, physicians can learn more about how to treat patients. Biologics is a field that uses the body's natural immune abilities to fight infection or disease. 因此, much of the research being done in our program focuses on the body's immune agents and their response to certain treatments.


金宝搏手机登录 has joined forces with Dana-Farber and other Harvard Medical School hospitals to conduct basic research into the molecular basis of renal cell carcinoma (RCC). 由博士领导. 大卫·F. 金宝搏手机登录的麦克德莫特说, the program seeks to identify meaningful biomarkers for early detection and prognosis, novel therapeutic targets and potential therapies.

At the heart of kidney cancer research at 金宝搏手机登录 and DF/HCC is the SPORE grant. DF/HCC renal cancer researchers have been awarded a prestigious "Specialized Program of 研究 Excellence" (SPORE) grant from the National Cancer Institute. This is the only SPORE ever awarded for the study of kidney cancer. This grant has enabled 金宝搏手机登录 and its partners to become one of the world-wide leaders in kidney cancer research.